Core Plug Aeration


Lawn care services

 Lawns can sometimes suffer from soil compaction and thatch build up. Core plug aeration relieves these issues by pulling out cylinder like cores that consist of a mixture of thatch, soil, and grass which are then redistributed on the surface of the lawn.


 Major benefits of aeration are: 

  •   Increases air, water, and nutrition movement to the root zone
  •   Intensifies decomposition of thatch
  •   Helps relieve soil compaction
  •   Stimulates new growth
  •   Improves drainage
  •   Provides a better environment for overseeding
  •   Increases the effectiveness of fertilizers and other lawncare products

fall special

 aerating and seeding fescue lawns 

Aeration and seeding fescue lawns can help prepare them for the growing season and improve their overall health . Aeration removes soil plugs, which loosens the soil and creates space between grass blades. This allows for better air, water, and nutrient access to the roots, which can encourage new growth and reduce thatch. Seeding then replenishes thin or bare areas with new grass, which can help repair damage from heat, drought, disease, or other stressors.